These are shotgun sniper rifles, a work of pure magic considering that the kickback from a single blast of one of these bad boys should put your shoulder out for a month. It’s the wicked crackbang of the Intervention, and the retraction of the scope post-shot that just feels so intuitive. At first I thought it was nostalgia playing on my heart strings, but it’s so much more than that. Oddly enough, it’s the latter that’s really struck a chord with me. I was a bit rusty at the start - as in bad, not good at Rust - and pulled some scores I’m not proud of, but now I’m winning Free-For-Alls and having exhilarating quickscope matches with some of my mates as if it’s nobody’s business. That’s the thing: I can’t believe I’m saying this in 2021, but I’ve been playing Modern Warfare 2 on my Xbox Series X all week. Related: I Wish More Devs Would Leave Bugs Intact Like Bungie

It was just so simple and yet so refined - I actually wrote a whole piece about why it’s the best multiplayer shooter ever last week.

It’s still my favourite one to this day, with titans like the original Modern Warfare and Halo 3 not far behind. This was prestige (get it?) Call of Duty, a modern multiplayer shooter like no other. I know people three years younger than me and ten years older who all have the same memories - Modern Warfare 2 isn’t just a Call of Duty game that clicked with whatever age group turned 15 the year it came out. It’s all a bit nostalgic, thinking about the exact way in which 1v1s on Rust used to transpire, but I don’t think it’s just me.

“Free for all!” the announcer shouts as you sprint towards the middle of the map, knowing all four of the spots your opponent can potentially spawn in like the back of your hand. You’re rocking Red Tiger on your Intervention because Fall looks like dinosaur puke, and you’re feeling like a million dollars as the clock winds down from ten. Throwing knives are allowed but all other equipment is banned. You get your private match all set up - Rust, no killstreaks, health set to miniscule, first one to 1,500 points wins but the last kill needs to be a trickshot. You spawnkill the other team with your Chopper and call in a tactical nuke, just as a flex. Just as you leg it around the corner and go prone to safely call in your Apache, you’re hit with a message:Īlright, now we’re talking.

As expected, they sprint in, P90 spraying like a startled skunk, before you clock them in the head with a Spas-12 - dzh! What a beautiful sound. The same infuriated idiot keeps rushing back to the exact same spot in an attempt to get revenge on you, despite already having drilled it into their head that no, they can’t get the jump on you. You’re in a game of Domination and you’re one kill away from a Chopper Gunner.